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On occasion this summer, I will preach from one of the 150 psalms. The first psalm that I have chosen is that oh, so loveable, Psalm 146....
Listening, or Not
Lectionary Scriptures, Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12-17, John 3:1-17 We all have someone or a few in our backfields, our past, who were...
Breathe on Us Breath of God
My grandfather attended the Newport News Apprentice School soon after the First World War. He then went to work for the Newport News...
First Love
Those who read the Bible with some regularity often stop before the last book. Skipping over Revelation is an age-old sport in the...
Coming Home?
As a freshly minted young pastor out of Seminary, my first major job was to help organize the annual church Homecoming. It was a huge...
For the Love of God
For those in the search of love, to read John 15 is to strike gold. John Calvin, the 16th century French-Swiss thinker that Presbyterians...
A favorite, somewhat obscure, occasionally reshown late at night film of mine is Songcatcher. It tells the story of an Ivy League...
Can I Get A Witness?
At the end of Luke’s Gospel, the Risen Jesus pays a visit to his old friends. All are dressed in their Sunday-go-to-mourning clothes....
Almost Easter
Easter is the day when Christians shout from the rooftops: “Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.” Most other Sundays we tend to be more...
Who Got Da Power?
I hate it when jingles get stuck in my head, especially stupid jingles. Every time I return to Mark’s “Palm Sunday” story, I hear this...
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