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Ever been to Gilead? It is a lot closer than you might think. Walking distance from here. An easy drive. A quick flight. It is just...
Breakfast with Jesus
Only recently have I been able to listen again to the Broadway musical, Les Miserables. Between taking my children and hauling numerous...
The Missing Voice
Before we moved from Alexandria to Atlanta, Jennell was the Executive Director of the first federally funded community health center in...
When will there be Peace?
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Ephesians 2:13-22 “…He came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who are near.” Ephesians...
Where or from Whom?
John 6:1-15 “Where will we buy food to feed these people?” John 6:5b (Common English Bible) There’s a story I once heard of a minister...
Travel Light
“Travel light,” says Jesus to his less than straight A disciples. “Do not pack lunch or dinner or even an energy bar.” “Do not bring a...
Guiding Stories
Jesus was born into a people with a powerful guiding story. It helped them survive the harsh reality of living under Roman rule. It told...
When the Teacher Sleeps in Class
Who was the finest teacher of your childhood or youth? What was her name? Why was she such a fine a teacher? Did he lecture with passion...
Look Again
Not unlike today, in Samuel’s day, people mistook the “real world “as the one ruled by those wielding the most power. Mark’s day was not...
The First Question
The first question asked in Scripture is not about God and it is not one of the customary list of common human questions: Does God exist?...
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